



Lanzhou University

188金宝:Part-time Faculty

Faculty & Research Part-time Faculty 正文

188金宝:Shi Ze

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   Shi Ze

School of Politics and International Relations,

Lanzhou University

Title: Senior Research Fellows

Office:603,Student Center

Fax:(0086) 0931-8911802



Obtained a BA in Russian language and literature from Xi’an Foreign Languages Institute (now renamed as Xi’an International Studies University), and a MA in world history from Peking University.

Working Experience

After joining the CIIS in 1983, Mr. Shi had served as deputy director of the Division for Soviet Union and East European Studies, director of the Division for Comprehensive Studies, and Vice President of CIIS successively from 1985 to 2000.

From 2000 to early 2011, he served as Counselor in Chinese embassies in Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Russia successively.

Papers and Monographs

1. “Russia’s Rise and Russia-US Relations”,International Studies, No.5, 2007.

2. “An Exploration of the Relations between China and Central Asian Countries that Develop in All Dimensions”, International Studies, No.1, 2006.

3. “The Changing Central Asia and the Trends for Its Further Development”, International Studies, No.2, 2005.

4. “Some Thoughts on Sino-Russia Relations at the Turn of the Century”, International Studies, No.1, 2000.

Research Area

Relations among big powers; Russian and Central Asia affairs; Caspian Sea issues; China’s western peripheralsecurity, China-Central AsianRelations,Russia-U.S.Relations,EnergySecurity andCooperation,RegionalEconomicCooperation.

Social Work

Astanding director of the Chinese Center for Shanghai Cooperation Organization Studies, the Chinese Society for Russian, Eastern European and Central Asian Studies.

188金宝(国际)有限公司 -MBA智库百科-知乎